
Meaning and definition of sociology

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Meaning and definition of sociology;Auguste Comte is known as the originator (father) of sociology. According to Auguste's views, Just as physics, chemistry, biology, etc. are the sciences to study physical things, Similarly, social science is needed to study social life. Auguste Comte named it 'Social Physics .'In 1838, Comte changed this name and called it sociology.

Meaning of sociology/What is Sociology? 

Sociology is the science of society. Under this iconography(discipline), the study of social things has come.

The key subject of sociology is social relations. Sociology originated and developed for the study of social relations. According to MacIver, sociology is a network of social relationships.

According to Guindings, "Sociology is the systematic description and explanation of society."

The definition given by Giddings proves that sociology is about society. It describes the society, i.e., social relations and affairs(events).

Sociology is a new subject as compared to other disciplines of social sciences, such as economics and political science. We can say that this subject is about one and a half hundred years old, but this subject has developed rapidly in the last 50-60 years. One of the main reasons behind this may be understanding people's behavior in social situations after World War II.  All subjects of social science are concerned with people's behavior, but each of these subjects studies a different aspect. In general, sociology is concerned with social relations, social groups, and institutions.

The word sociology in English is derived from Latin 'socius' and Greek 'logus'. which mean 'companion or society' and 'knowledge or science' respectively. It is because of this etymology (Greek and Latin) that the name of this science, sociology (sociology) has been called by Robert Beer as illegitimate child of two languages. Although the author of the word sociology and its originator August Komt as a branch of knowledge also had some dissatisfaction with the hybridity of the word sociology, but in his book Positive Philosophy, he was satisfied by saying that this etymological defect was compensated. are possible. It reminds of two historical sources - one intellectual and the other social, from which modern civilization has emerged. Another thinker, John Stuart Mill, a contemporary of Comte, presented this new science with another name 'ethnology'. But other scholars did not accept this. In his book 'Principles of Sociology', Herbert Spencer considered it more preferable to adopt the name 'sociology', neglecting the etymological validity of the word, citing the importance of convenience and directivity in its use.

Definition of sociology

The following are the definitions of sociology given by various scholars--

According to Max Weber, "Sociology is a science which tries to give an objective (explanatory) understanding of social action."

Let's see Johnson's views on Sociology, "Sociology is the science that studies social groups, their internal forms or types of organization, the processes that attempt to maintain or change these forms of organization, and the relationships between groups.

As per MacIver and Page, "MacIver and Page, "Sociology is a network of social relationships.""

According to Maurice Ginsberg, "Sociology studies human interactions, their states of interactions and their consequences."

Durkheim believes, "Sociology is the science of collective representation."

According to Auguste Comte, "Sociology is the science of social system and progress."

Van viz says, "Sociology is a science that focuses on inner-human behaviour, processes of social cooperation, along with integration and separation."

According to Hiller, "The study of the interpersonal relationships of individuals, their behaviour towards each other, their parameters by which they control their behaviour, all are part of sociology.

According to Burgess, "The science of collective behaviour is known as Sociology."

According to Tonnies, "General Sociology is the theory of the coexistence of human beings."

According to Odom, "The study of society is called Sociology."

As per Able, "sociology pertains to the social relationships, its types look and how it mesmerizes with them that it's studying. "

E. A. Ross, "The study of All social events or phenomena are collectively known as sociology."  

As per Bogardus, "Sociology is the study of the mental processes that work by social classes to develop and mature personality in groups." 

According to Georges Simmel, "Sociology is the study of the form of human interactions."

According to Tonnies, "Common sociology is the theory of the coexistence of human beings."

According to E.C. Reuter, "The aim is to build the much-needed establishment of a knowledgeable dictionary that can rein true human existence."

According to L. F. Ward, "Sociology is the science of society."

These definitions of sociology make it known that not all sociologists have the same views on what is the main subject-matter of the study of sociology?  There is a great difference in the views of all sociologists on this subject. However, this difference seems only to be seen,  not in reality. In fact, from August Comte to the present sociologists, there has been some variation in the determination of the study area and content of sociology. Therefore, it is natural to have differences in their definitions of sociology.

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