
Features/Characters of Sociology

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Features/Characters of Sociology

Different scholars have defined sociology in different ways, based on which there are following characteristics of sociology--

1. Sociology is related to the study of society.

2. Sociology is a branch of human knowledge in which 'social actions' are studied.

3. In sociology, information is given about the causes and consequences of social action.

4. Sociology is a network of social relations.

5. Society is material. There are two parts of this material - external and internal. Sociology is a branch of human beings that studies society as a whole.

6. Under this, the study of human nature comes. Comte has accepted morality as the highest progress of society.

7. Social relations are studied in sociology.

8. Sociology is concerned with human life. Sociology studies the interactions and interrelation of human beings. Sociology studies the conditions in which these interactions and interrelations arise.

9. Sociology is the science of social phenomena.

10. Comte has considered sociology as a subject of science. Through this, he wanted to replace positivism(realism).

11. The field of study of sociology is a social group.

12. Sociology also studies the processes by which groups are formed and their changes occurred.

Auguste Comte has defined sociology as "Sociology is the science of social order and progress."

In this definition, Comte has tried to bind the field of sociology by giving its two features. These two elements or characteristics are as follows--

1. Social system and,

2. Social progress.

Comte has divided sociology into the following two parts--

1. Social Situations and,

2. Social Dynamics.

The social system is studied under the social situation, and social progress is studied under social dynamics. If we look closely at society, two aspects are visible- (a) structural aspect and (b) functional aspect. In the structural aspect, the present form of society is studied. It includes various groups, organisations, and institutions. Under the functional aspect, the working methods of these groups, organisations, and institutions are studied because society keeps on changing continuously.

Auguste Comte has determined the following characteristics of sociology--

1. Society is an organism. There are two parts of this material - external and internal. Sociology is a branch of human beings in which the study of society comes.

2. Sociology deals with the study of society.

3. It includes the study of human nature. Comte has accepted morality as the highest progress of society.

4. Comte has considered sociology as a subject science. Through this, he wanted to replace positivism(realism).

5. Comte's sociology is a branch of detail in which the sciences have been coordinated. Comte divided the sciences into six parts. At the same time, he has also clarified that every science is dependent on the science before it and is the basis for other science.

6. Comte has accepted that sociology is a branch of knowledge that can predict. For this, Comte had suggested including the following two elements in sociology--

(A) observation and,

(B) Classification.

If social life and social events are carefully studied, and the obtained facts are classified based on similarities and differences, the truth can be easily predicted about social life and events.

7. Sociology is the science through which social reconstruction can be done. Inspired by this objective, he planned social reconstruction. At the same time, he entrusted the social scientist with the most important post and the task of social reconstruction.

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